BoosT Internet Speed Without Software !
Uses of Reserved Bandwidth
** Windows Automatic Updates rely on this reserved bandwidth.
** Fast loading Microsoft Websites
** Sending Error Reports
** Online Help support in Microsoft Office
But this can be recovered back…
The Remedy
** Start >> Run
** Type gpedit.msc
** This opens the Policy Editor
** Now, Local Computer Policy >> Computer Configuration
** Then, Administrative Templates >> Network
** Now, click on QOS Packet Scheduler
** Now, on the Right-hand side
** Double Click Limit reservable bandwidth
** Now in Setting Tab********************* NOTE**********************
It says: Not Configured
Reality: The Explain Tab says “By default, the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 20 percent of the bandwidth of a connection”
** So, on Setting Tab select Enabled
** Now, change Bandwidth limit (%) to 0 (Zero)
********************** NOTE ********************
Misconception: This doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to communicate with Microsoft or any of its services !!!
Actually: This reserved Bandwidth is only to accelerate Microsoft internet connections more than other connections !!!
** Click OK !!!
That’s All !!!
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