Top 5 best web browsers
Top 5 best web browsers
Most of us tend to choose web browsers and stick with it for years. It can be hard to break away from your comfort zone – especially when you’ve become used to its quirks – but trying a different browser can greatly improve your experience on the web.
Whether it’s enhanced security, improved speed, or greater flexibility through customizable options and plugins, the right browser can have a huge effect on your online life. Here we’ve put the biggest browsers through their paces (plus one that you might not be familiar with) to identify the one that does the best job of ticking all those boxes, but if you have a particular concern then read on to see if there’s an alternative that might be better suited to your needs.
1. Google Chrome
If your system has the resources, Chrome is 2017’s best browser.
2. Opera
An underrated browser that’s a great choice for slow connections.
3. Microsoft Edge
Microsoft’s new browser offers full integration with Windows 10.
4. Mozilla Firefox
A divisive choice that’s highly flexible, but can feel sluggish.
5. Vivaldi
Build your own browser with unique docking and tab-stacking.

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